A Scrabble Dictionary, Scrabble Word Finder & Scrabble Cheat to help you with many word based games and apps. Learn to win at any game with our many tools and word lists. slot - Definition of slot | Is slot a word in the scrabble dictionary? How do you use the word casino in a sentence - answers.com How do you use the word casino in a sentence? ... 5 Umair has make it a habbit to take bath at night. ... There are casinosthat only have slot machines and casinos that have a variety oftable ... Sentence Patterns | University of Houston-Victoria
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Sep 6, 2018 ... the words that make up slot values in the sentence are replaced ... Delexicalized sentence is a sentence whereby each word corre- sponding to ... A Joint Model of Intent Determination and Slot Filling for ... - IJCAI and semantic slots of a sentence are correlative, we ... word “Boston” is labelled as the departure city and “New ..... To make a comprehensive comparison,. Use slot in a sentence | slot sentence examples A large slot has to be cut in the cone which forms the upper part of the polar axis, in order to allow the telescope to be pointed nearer to the pole than would otherwise be possible; even so stars within 15° of the pole cannot be observed.
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use slot in a sentence, slot example sentences, how to ... www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "slot" in a sentence Jane's father was a gambler who blew all their money playing the slot machines in Vegas. I read somewhere that there is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants. There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight people. How to use coin slot in a sentence - wordhippo.com
The Caseâ•'Slot Identity Theory<link href='#fn1 ... - Wiley Online Library
2019-5-14 · slit definition: transitive verb , slit′ting 1. to cut or split open, esp. by a straight incision 2. to cut into strips 3. to cut (off); severOrigin of slitMiddle English slitten from Old English an unverified form slittan, akin to Middle Hig...
use slot in a sentence, slot example sentences, how to ...
www.use-in-a-sentence.com English words and Examples of Usage use "slot" in a sentence Jane's father was a gambler who blew all their money playing the slot machines in Vegas. I read somewhere that there is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight inhabitants. There is one slot machine in Las Vegas for every eight people. use slot in a sentence, slot example sentences, how to spell ... And seven minutes later, de Bruyne squared the ball for substitute Maxi Arnold to slot home. 557 more results not shown. smooth - smell - smash - smart - smack - slump Example sentences with the slot, a sentence example for slot, and how to make slot in sample sentence, how do I use the word slotin a sentence? How do you spell slot in a ... How to use time slot in a sentence - WordHippo As this second run now has a postwatershed time slot, you can expect more steaminess amid the swashbuckling. Sentence weight is adjusted by local high frequency words in each time slot and global high frequency words from all topic sentences. Tendence, the international consumer-goods platform, is back at its traditional time slot at the end of ... word choice - Use "time-slots" in a sentence - English ... Could you please give me some time-slots for the following week? My apologies, but I am not available for the whole week of June 26. Could you please propose some time-slots for the following week? Could you please tell me which one between the above sentences is correct? Is my usage of the word 'time-slots' correct?
I think the " noun" article is a good guide on how to proceed with this (and it would make sense to have the two articles in a similar format). Agglutination - Wikipedia An example of such a language is Turkish, where for example, the word evlerinizden, or "from your houses", consists of the morphemes ev-ler-iniz-den with the meanings house-plural-your-from.