What is poker face expression

Are the rules of sexual attraction akin to the rules of poker? Lady Gaga asserts “Poker Face” is about bisexuality. She described poker face as the expression she pulls when she’s having sex ... Deadpan expression Synonyms, Deadpan ... - thesaurus.com

Poker face Synonyms, Poker face Antonyms | Thesaurus.com Synonyms for poker face at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and ... Find descriptive alternatives for poker face. ... nounserious expression. RPT#139 - The Art Of The Poker Face - Roleplaying Tips It is sometimes misunderstood that the power of a poker face stems from the face itself. The point of a poker face is to show *no* expression so that others cannot ... How to have a good poker face? - Cash Game Festival

How to Look Entirely Emotionless: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

Glossary of poker terms - Wikipedia The following is a glossary of poker terms used in the card game of poker. It supplements the glossary of card game terms. How to Make a Good Poker Face? - Live Poker - CardsChat Make a good poker face, or expression of poker, is harder than you think when the weather is tense. It can be very difficult to contain The face of poker what it means? find it out in this article The face of poker As to having a poker face is concerned yes I without a doubt have one The vital inquiry is the reason I have one and what it is Poker-faced | Define Poker-faced at Dictionary.com

poker face n. A face lacking any interpretable expression, as that of an expert poker player. pok′er·faced′ (pō′kər-fāst′) adj. poker face n informal a face without expression, as that of a poker player attempting to conceal the value of his cards pok′er face` n. a face that shows no emotion or intention. [1880–85, Amer.] pok ...

Why are some people poker faced? Because it is their choice. ‘’Poker Face’’ is an expression that’s trying to hide any emotions. The person prefers to appear void of any emotions to the observer. While on the inside they go through a turmoil of feelings and emotions, on the outside they appear cool, calm, and collected. Card Playing Idioms - The Idiom Connection poker face - a face with no expression (this is done in the game of poker so that nobody knows if you have good cards or not) The politician had a poker face when he tried to defend himself against the scandal. put one's cards on the table - to be open and honest about one's intentions or resources Expressions from the Card Game of Poker - Many Things

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What Is Poker? No one really knows how Poker came to be. Most people have concluded that it is made up of a variety of earlier games. In its earliest recorded history, Jonathan H. Green (believed to have first attached the word “Poker” to the “cheating game”) saw the game being played on a Mississippi riverboat and was intrigued.

What does poker face mean? definition, meaning and ...

Beyond poker face - Emotion Research Lab In the resumption of the case Nóos trial, we can read the emotions of those appearing, beyond the poker face which they have as they entered the room. Having a good poker face The perception is that a poker face shows an emotion which is different from what you are feeling, in order to deceive your opponents. Glossary of poker terms - Wikipedia The following is a glossary of poker terms used in the card game of poker. It supplements the glossary of card game terms. How to Make a Good Poker Face? - Live Poker - CardsChat

Poker face definition: A poker face is an expression on your face that shows none of your feelings . | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples What does poker mean? definition, meaning and ... poker face (a face without any interpretable expression (as that of a good poker player)) jackpot ; kitty ; pot (the cumulative amount involved in a game (such as poker)) ante ((poker) the initial contribution that each player makes to the pot) Poker-faced | Definition of Poker-faced at Dictionary.com A visage lacking any expression that can be interpreted, as in Whenever Betty attended one of her children's performances, she managed to keep a poker face. This term alludes to the facial expression of a poker player who is expert at concealing his feelings about his hand. [c. 1880] Poker Terms - Common Phrases and Definitions of Poker ...